Saturday, 27 June 2009

Degree Show

I went up to London to see Central Saint Martins MA/Graphic Design, Illustration, Digital Media show and also CSM BA Graphic Design show. I took so many photos of the work I liked and also took their business cards too. I was looking through them all yesterday only to find out that there were soooo many people in these shows that I didn't remember which student did which work...etc. How embarrassing.

Here are some of the photos I took. If you happen to find your own work here and are upset about me putting the photos without your permission, please do let me know! But just to let you know, your work is up here because your work is amazing!! (so please don't get upset too much ;)

By the way Brighton Uni Graphic Design/Illustration are having a London show!
The schedule is as follows.

2nd/July : Private View from 6pm til late
3rd/July : Open from 10am - 8pm
4th/July : Open from 10am - 8pm
5th/July : Open from 10am - 8pm
6th/July : Open from 10am - 8pm

It is at Rag Factory off Brick Lane. It's near Truman's Brewery where Free Range is.
There's going to be workshop by
3rd/July : Alex Bec and Will Hadson of AlexBec / It's nice that
6th/July : Jim Stoten

and also Peggy Sue are playing in the evening of the 6th (final night).

Wooooo yesss I know it sounds worth a visit, doesn't it?
Wooooo if you don't come, trust me you're missing out a big time!!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Creative Review

Faceless Women Trilogy 1: Harvest is on Creative Review Magazine website now!

Also University of Brighton BA Graphic Design/Illustration 09 Graduates website is up, too. Lots of nice work promised to be found there!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

The private view

I was at the Brighton Uni Degree Show private view last night. It went superbly well and I got to talk to very nice people who could possibly give me some commissions (always welcome, ALWAYS!) and lots of mums and dads of my dear friends. It was a bit weird and sensational seeing the parents of my fellow students I've known for almost 3 years for the first time though. Seriously, some of the parents/siblings looked like different gendered/aged versions of them. (Yes I'm talking about you, Josh!) I repeated "wow they're like crones..." quite a lot in my head, but of course I had enough self-control and politeness not to say it in front of them even though I'm one of those people who can't hide what they're thinking. Apparently my face shows a lot about what I'm thinking according to my dear friends. So well done me.
Unfortunately I was too busy running around having a good time and forgot to take photos... But I'm thinking of asking people if they've got any photos from last night and if they do, I'll post them here soon. Fingers crossed.
Thanks to all those who came to the private view. Hope you had a fun time!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

*****Brighton Uni Degree Show*****

is finally going to start on the Friday, 5th of June (private view starts in the evening open only to ticket holders) but is going to be open to public from the Sat, 6th of June until Thur, 11th of June.
It's going to be open from 10am to 8pm, with an exception of the final day the 11th, opening at 10am closing at 4pm.
Time to head off to Brighton everyone! The weather's nice here and you can lay on the beach too...